So the new year is right around the corner and I am planning out New clean eating meal plans, weekly Mindset Motivational Videos, more tips and tricks to help you truly make your health and fitness a lifestyle change and not a crash diet!!!
I know I know... no one wants to think about getting in shape over the holidays (or maybe I'm wrong and you do) but regardless I want to give you the opportunity to think ahead to after Christmas & New Years! Will you be ready to commit then?
Well here is the deal! My January New Year New You, Health Bet Group is filling up fast. I don't want you to miss out on reserving your spot!
It's super easy to participate:
You have been watching me long enough to know that I practice what I preach and that if you join my support & accountability group that I am going to deliver you excellent support, nutrition tips, and accountability and if you meet me half way there is no way you won't get results!
1. You just have to commit to making me your official coach.
2. You have to commit to a Beachbody Fitness program which I will help you choose.
3. You have to commit to replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology and learning how to plan out the other meals of the day, which I will walk you through in a step by step fashion.
4. You have to participate in the daily group discussion, logging your workout and nutrition!
I think that's fair enough! If you do those things then you are eligible to win a portion of the $2million pot that Beachbody has created to reward people for their consistent efforts during this 4 week period!
If this sounds like something you would like to do and you are ready for a change then lets get this party started now!!
Here is the way to get into the group, complete the application here and I will contact you within 24 hours with more details.
Lets make 2017 your absolutely healthiest year EVER!!!
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